Monday, November 28, 2011

Last Week's Workouts

I had an ok week running last week.  I planned to skip Monday and run Tuesday but I woke up at 2:00 or 3:00 to the sound of thunder and lightening and pouring rain.  I think thunder and lightening combined with rain and darkness may be my running cutoff.  So... no run on Tuesday.  I think that makes 3-4 times since I cancelled my gym membership that I would have worked out at the gym but didn't/couldn't otherwise.  All-in-all I'd say that's a good decision.

Tuesday - YaYoG Basic workout #1 - I started the YaYog  program with the first push/pull workout.  I will admit that I didn't understand about doing the ladders for a full 7.5 minutes and didn't do the last exercise because I couldn't figure out how to do it at the house but it was still a hard and good workout.
Wednesday - 7.1 miles 1:30 (12:40 mm). We got half a day off work so I ran in the afternoon.  The time includes warm-up and down. I ran 2:30/1:00 for most of the way and 1:1 for about 20 minutes at the end.  It was gorgeous out!
Wednesday - YaYoG Basic Workout #2 - Legs and core.  30 minutes. This workout was so hard. I was feeling it for days. 
Friday - 4.98 miles 1:05 (13:03 mm).  Includes warm up/down.  I felt really sluggish but was happy to be running.
Sunday - 10.3 miles 2:15 (13:06 mm).  Includes warm up/down.  1:1 ratio.  I started the day by telling ChocolateWife that I was considering taking a 2 week break from running before starting my training program.  Then got dressed and went out to run.  Tee hee.  It was 42 when I left the house and I was grateful to be wearing tights, long sleeve tech shirt, hat, and gloves. 

The miles were not what I like but it was a good week and I enjoyed my runs.  This week looks to be colder...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

You Are your Own Gym Program

A few months ago the host of one of the running podcasts that I listen to and really enjoy mentioned the book You are Your own Gym (Yayog).  We're also friends on dailymile and he started posting his Yayog workouts.  I had been interested in adding some workouts that I could do at home if I get the kids to sleep or in short amounts of time.  I reserved the book at the library (which has a really great system for reserving books online and sending you an e-mail).  I was only 3rd or 4th on the list but apparently everyone who checks out the book wants to keep it for the full time because it took two months for me to move to the top of the list.  In that time, I really considered just buying the book but in case I didn't like it I didn't want to have a $13 book sitting around. 

I got it last Thursday or Friday and spent a few days just reading it.  The first few chapters are an explanation of the author's background and philosophy, nutrition, why you should resistance train, etc.  Then the book shows the exercises (I think more than 100 of them) with detailed explanations and pictures. Each exercise tells you if it's a 1-4 level (1 being beginner and 4 being expert) and giving modifications for making it easier and making it harder.  Wow.  Let me say that some of the exercises I can't imagine ever being able to do not to mention the "make it harder" variations.  The exercises are either done with just your body weight or are done with things you have sitting around your house like leaning on the door frame or using a coffee table. You do pull ups on the top of the door but I don't think I can reach the top of the door unless I stand on a chair.  A few ask you to pick up soup cans or phone books but most just use your body and house. 

His intent is that you can mix and match however you would like.  But the back of the book includes 4 10 week programs (basic through Master Class (or something like that - It's a military name)).  He gives minimums that a person should be able to do before starting the 3 non-basic programs.  The basic program is 4 days a week (and may become 5 days later). 

I started the Basic program on Monday.  The first two weeks are ladders - you set a timer for 7.5 minutes.  Do 1 rep of the exercise, do 2 reps, do 3 reps, etc. until you would not be able to do the next count, then come back down.  So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (would not be able to do 6) 4, 3, 2, 1.  If you finish before the time you start another ladder or just do 1, 1, 1 until the end of time.  Monday was push/pull so push-ups, let-me-ins (sort of pulling to standing on a doorknob), triceps dips, and an exercise that I couldn't figure out how to do given the things sitting around out house but now I have figured it out.  Tuesday was legs/core.  First was supposed to be step-back alternating lunges but I could not do a single one so I used the modification of already being in the lunge stance.  Then alternating Romanian Dead Leans or something like.  Possibly the most confusing exercise I've ever done.  I literally could not get my body to lean forward while putting the wrong hand forward.  I just saw a note in the Yayog forum that this is one of the hardest exercises to do.  Then squats.  Then swimmers (lay on your stomach and lift one leg and opposite arm, etc.)

So far I've "enjoyed" it if enjoying is breaking a serious sweat at 8:00 in the evening.  If someone else has the book reserved, I won't be able to renew it so I'll probably either buy it in a few weeks or put it at the top of my holiday wish list. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Last Week's Runs

I had a pretty low run week last week.  Mostly I was just really tired which I think is due to how hard we pushed to finish up our floor project.  Now that it's done, my weekends should be much more freed up and hopefully I won't be so exhausted when I reach the end of each weekend either. 

Tuesday - 4.4 miles 55 minutes (12:29 mm). That time includes the warm-up/warm-down and a 2:1 interval.  It was very humid.  I did some intervals to try to work on my speed somewhat.
Saturday - 5.49 miles 1:12 (13:06 mm).  I ran to the post office and back.  The time includes 5 minute warm-up/8 minute warm-down and first 3:1 then 2:1.  Not a good run. I felt really run-down and tired throughout. 
Sunday - 6.02 miles 1:46 (17:46 mm walking).  The kids went with me on their bikes and rode for about 2.5 miles before I brought them back home. Then I walked more.  It was quite enjoyable and I wore my #2 shoes. I'd like to rotate them into short runs and walks to save the more expensive shoes.

I'm a few weeks from needing to join up with my HM plan. I could join in on December 10 with a 9 miler or  December 24 (or so) with an 11 miler.  I'll then be on target for my February half.  In the meantime, I need to run 3-4 days a week rather than the 2 days run/1 day walk of last week. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Last Week

Not a great training week. I'm really tired and run-down.  We are near finishing our big project to remove the carpet from our house and replace it all with stained concrete.  This weekend was our 6th (and final (until we do the living room in a few years) room) and by my count, the 7th weekend we've tackled this project in about the last 2.5 or 3 months.  I feel like my training on weekends will come much easier when we don't have this project any longer.  I guess the good thing is that about half of this project has happened while I wasn't formally training for a Half-Marathon. 

Monday - 1.01 walk 18 minutes (17:49 mm).  Stroller walked the baby to sleep.

Tuesday - 3.15 walk 58 minutes (18:24 mm).   I was worried that I was coming down with a cold or sore throat so I walked rather than ran.

Wednesday - 1.20 walk 20 minutes (16:24 mm). Stroller walked the baby to sleep.

Thursday - 4.4 mile 55 minutes (12:29 mm).  A lovely run.  Includes the warm-up and down and a 2:1 ratio.  The moon was bright like it was a big round LED light.  46 degrees out. 

Saturday - ChocolateWife took the ChocolateKids on a Playdate and said I was free to do what I wanted.  Normally I just run around our neighborhood (on concrete or asphalt) but I decided to head to a city park to run the trails.  I also had only expected to run 5 or 6 miles but since I had time I decided to make it a longer run.  Including warm-up and down I ran 9.0 miles in 2.0 hours (13:20 mm).  The first 1:15 or so I did a 90:60 and then dropped to 60:60.  I honestly think that running 9 miles on trails is about like running 10.5 or 11.0 on the street.  I kept thinking of that old saying about going up hill to school, both ways.  I felt like I just ran up and up hill and never down.  It was probably one of the most fun runs I've ever had. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Last Week's Runs

Monday - I ran during my lunch hour at work due to scheduling issues at work.  4.22 miles in 53 minutes (12:33 mm) including 5 warm up and 5 warm down.  It was a really nice run with more hills than I'm used to.  It makes me feel like I need to do some lunch time runs when I'm training for my half-marathon next year.
Wednesday - I ran after my training class so it was another day that I could run in daylight.  4.02 in 50 minutes (12:26 mm) plus .70 in 10 minutes walking.  It was 88 degrees so I did a 2:1 ratio.
Thursday - Walked after my training class (in the light again).  3.51 in 58 minutes (16:31).  Wow. It got much colder than I expected.
Sunday - I wanted to either run my long run Saturday and walk Sunday or walk Friday and run Sunday but we ended up working on the floors Friday and Saturday so Sunday was my only run for the weekend.  It rained on me for about the first half.  10.08 miles in 2:14 (13:17 mm).  I did a 1:1 and was pretty happy with the run and the pace.  With about 4 miles to go I got a bit of a twine in my left knee and hip. I'll have to keep an eye on that.

It was really nice to do all my runs in light this week although something went wrong with my headphone jack on my IPod so now the sound is very staticy. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October Running

My October running numbers are not bad.  87.31 miles on a month that included a taper week and didn't include my scheduled half-marathon.  At the beginning of the year I signed up for some annual challenges on Nike Running.  I have achieved all of them but two at this point: Run across Texas (941 miles) and Run 1000 miles.  I'm about 20 miles ahead of pace to achieve the first one but 30 miles behind pace to reach 1000 miles.  To run it, I would need to run about 98.5 miles a month for the last two months of 2011.  Given that I've never run 98.5 miles in any month, I think it's unlikely. 

We'll see...