I had a good training week.
Tuesday - I didn't get up and run but I think I really learned something from it. I didn't get up but then I spent the entire day wishing I had. I felt like it was a turning point in thinking about that saying that you never regret the runs you take, only the ones you miss.
Wednesday - 4.32 miles/58 minutes (13:25/mile). Includes warm-up and warm-down. I ran with a 3:1 ratio and the weather was lovely - 64 degrees but smoky.
Thursday - 3.65 miles/47 minutes (12:52). Here's where my Tuesday paid off. Again, I didn't want to get up but I remembered Tuesday and I got up. Did a 3:1 ratio, then acceleration gliders and cadence drills. Later a lunchtime walk to the credit union of .95 miles and walk from the bus to the store and store to dinner.
Friday - 3.18 miles/52 minutes. Nice morning walk. Later walks to and from the bus stop and car place.
Sunday - I had a 15 mile LSR planned and was strangely excited about it. My last LSR I did at 60:60 and I wanted to try a harder ratio so I decided on 90:60. The night before I smashed my right pinky-toe on a plant in the house (see picture below). Ouch. I wasn't sure I would be able to run at all. I got up at 5:00 to try and beat the heat and also not use up the entire day. About 3.5 miles into the run, I tripped on a sidewalk and fell (see picture below #2). It was the first time I've actually fallen since I started running although I've tripped many times. My right arms is pretty bruised as well but the pictures don't seem to show it. I also got a blister on my left foot from a new pair of socks that are thinner than my usual.
Nonetheless I got up and walked for a minute or two and then resumed my run. I can hardly describe how happy I was with the run. I did the 90:60 for the first 11 or so miles, then dropped to 60:60. I ended up at 15.13 miles/3:33 time (14:04/mile). My target time should have been between 15:20 and 15:50 depending on exact temperature so it was a good pace.
Toe I smashed on a plant |
Banged up knee from falling during the run. |
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