Monday, July 2, 2012

Workouts 06/25 - 07/01

I had a pretty good workout week.

Monday - Did the You are your own Gym Week 7, Day 3 workout.  It was arms/pulling intervals.  I will admit that I'm not hitting these workouts 4 days a week - more like when I can/do.  I'm also completely skipping the Yayog Day 4 workouts which are core but are nowhere near as challenging or beneficial as the core workout I've been doing.

Monday - Pre-dawn runner's core workout.  This workout is so hard but so good.  I have trouble doing the planks partially because I need more core strength and partially because my feet/toes are not strong enough.  And I really want to build up the strength and balance to do the unilateral bird dogs without the modification.

Tuesday - 4.15 miles in 49 minutes (11:48 mm) plus the walking warm up/down. I stayed in zone two and just used the watch. 

Wednesday - Pre-dawn runner's core workout.  A good workout.

Thursday - 4.016 miles in 48 minutes (12:06 mm) plus walking warm up/down.  I bit warmer than it has been. I did a warm up and then ran 4 hill repeats (such as they are near my house).  When I wasn't on the hills I did 2:00/1:00.

Saturday - Long Slow Hot Run at Brushy Creek Regional Trail.  13.8 miles in 3:03 (13:15 mm).  I felt like it's been a long time since I've done a long run so I got up at 5:30 Saturday with the intention of a 2:30 - 3:00 run.  It was 75 out when I started and 85 when I finished and I could feel it.  I ran a 1:00/1:00 and felt pretty awesome for the first 8-10 miles but knew I was slowing at the end due to the weather.  Still, I'm really glad to get some good miles in.  Also, by the Galloway formula the pace for this run should have been between 15:06 and 16:06. 

Sunday - 4.0 in 1:00 walk in the rain. I left the house and it started to rain so I went back for a ziplock for my iPod but then walked more. It was lovely.

Sunday - Did the pre-dawn runner's core workout again.

Other notes on the week:
Thursday - I donated a double unit of blood platelets.  It has been longer than I would like but I've just been struggling with scheduling the time.  My last donation took a very long time because my platelet count was "low".  This time my count was 333 which was high enough that I did the double in 73.  The phlebotomist did such a smooth stick I could literally not feel the needle.  I did feel like I had a hard time with the anticoagulant (or coagulant I can never remember) and it making me feel really physically jittery the rest of the day.

I made a comment on the Salty Running site and got a note that my comment was the comment of the week

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