Monday, October 8, 2012

Workouts 10/01 - 10/07

I had another so-so week of workouts last week. I missed/skipped (I think) 3/7 workouts due to different issues including very bad allergies and just a hard week.  The workouts I did do ranged from awesome to wholly unimpressive.

Monday - Tabata workout for arms and core.  Wow. This workout utilized 8 x 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 3 shoulder exercises, 3 arm exercises, and 3 core exercises (72 rounds in all).  It was very challenging and awesome. 

Tuesday - 4.0 miles in 50 minutes plus walking warm up/down.  It was Livestrong day so I wore my Livestrong shirt.  Had no music though. The run was a "do what you want" run so I ran mostly in zone 1/2 and some in 3 and even 4. 

Thursday - Hill repeats.  Did 5 rounds up about 1/4 mile hill pushing myself into high zone 4 to do it.  Then walked between repeats.  Total mileage was not high due to walking but workout was challenging.

Sunday - 7.5 miles plus walking warm up/down in 1:39 (13:11).  The middle 6 was supposed to be at "10 seconds faster than race pace."  I questioned the coach on race pace and got not a lot of guidance (disappointing) about "race pace".  Her answer was basically about zone 3 so I tried to run the middle 6 at zone 3. I did 3:00/1:00 for about 3.5 miles and then 2:30/1:00 for the last 2.5 (mostly into the wind).  My legs felt so tired and heavy.  I averaged 12:50 over those 6 which is comparatively slower than my usual "race pace" (slower than the last HM I ran and the last 10 miler I ran as well). 

I felt quite dejected by the Sunday run. 

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