Monday, May 12, 2014

Exercise 05/05 - 05/11

I am in a TDY  today and can't get my picture to upload which is really sad because it's a good picture. I have color on every day.  48 miles today for the week. 

Monday - 1.5 miles walking. I walked after work with ChocolateDaughter on her scooter until she fell. She was fine and it was a nice time with her.
Tuesday - 1.25 miles walking. I walked during some work breaks.
Tuesday - Spin 13 miles in 60 minutes.  I spun while watching Mad Men.  5 x 3 standing hills and 1 recovery. Then 15 x 1 standing hills and 1 recovery.
Wednesday - 1.65 miles walking.  I fit this in between meeting the washing machine repair guy and ChocolateWife leaving for work.  It was hot out.
Thursday - 12 mile spin. Steady zone 2.
Friday - 2.2 miles between afternoon walk at work and 30 minutes after dinner while trying to help the kids across the street get their dog back from following me.  Said kids have neither supervision nor a leash.
Saturday - 12.5 mile biking.  My first ride in months. I got down the bike and aired up the tires, oiled the chain, tested the brakes, etc. Then went for an easy ride.  Quite fun and warm.
Sunday - 3.9 miles walking to and from the grocery store.  It was warmish and the groceries got heavy but I love getting to walk to the store rather than drive.

I've lost a few more pounds from my all time high.  Continuing to work on it in a healthy way. 

Monday - 9,254
Tuesday - 6,435
Wednesday - 10,020
Thursday - 7,096
Friday - 9,697
Saturday - 8,557
Sunday - 14,030 *

Total:  65,089

ChocolateWife got me a FitBit for Mother's Day.  I have been considering one for a long time but haven't wanted to spend the money but she went ahead and got it. I am quite excited about it although it did not log as many steps as my phone app on the way to and from the store on Sunday. I actually know my approximate step count per minute and it undercounted that count.  So... we'll see.

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