Friday, August 10, 2012

Baby Blanket

Some friends are having a baby in a few weeks and the shower is this weekend.  I actually finished this blanket a month or more ago but just haven't remembered to post any pictures.  It is from a book of patterns I have that has sort of repetitive bodies but impressive borders.  Some of the borders are bigger than the bodies. 

You know what I've realized from this blanket? I don't like the blankets that concentrate on big frilly borders because I don't like doing the borders.  You always have to make some weird number of stitches around the edge like 392 or something so you have to do some, count, back up, do them again, count again, etc until you get 392.  And then you start and by the time you get to round 4 of the border, the count is off again.  I didn't even do the last two rounds of this pattern because I couldn't get the count to come out right. 

I think it's safe to assume that the blanket recipients are not crocheters (I've never heard them mention it or post anything on Facebook) and that if they are, they don't have this particular pattern book so they won't know the difference.  Only ChocolateWife and I will know that it's missing a bit of border.  Nonetheless, I think it looks nice and it feels quite cuddly so they will enjoy it. 

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