Monday, July 16, 2012

Workouts 07/09 - 07/15

My training week last week was pretty paltry but with mostly good reasons.  Ok. Maybe there is never a good reason for a paltry training week but I'm feeling optimistic about it all.  More on that soon.

Tuesday - 3.95 miles in 50 minutes (12:39 mm) plus walking warm up down.  I only ran a 2:00/1:00 because I planned (yes, the best laid plans of mice and men and all that) to run Wednesday as well.  The most notable things about the run were oppressive humidity and running past a skunk or skunk spray.  Wow.  That really lasts a long time when you're running. 

Tuesday - Pre-dawn runner's core workout.  30 minutes.  Always hard. Always good. I'm definitely gaining strength and balance. 

Thursday - 4.1 walking in an hour.  ChocolateWife had to go out of town to attend a family funeral so the kids and I walked to the elementary school (they rode bikes). Then they played on the playscapes while I walked in circles. 

Saturday - 6.5 miles 1:30 (13:50).  Wow.  It was only 73 degrees out but when I stopped running I checked The Weather Channel and it was 100% humidity. I didn't even know it could be 100% humidity without raining.  I did a 1:00/1:00.  Then walked home for another 2 miles in about 30 minutes. 

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