Monday, September 17, 2012

Workouts 9/10 - 9/16

I had good workouts last week and others that were non-existent.  Literally.  Emotionally it was a very hard week.  The fact that September 11th and my mother's Yartzeit occur within a day of each other means that I experience the grief of the entire country and then my own personal grief and it can really pull me down.  I used to think that missing my mother would get easier and perhaps on a daily basis it does but for big things/events/dates, it doesn't seem any easier at all.

Hmmm. I just realized the days on the image above are off by a day for Monday and Tuesday. Perhaps I entered them wrong on dailymile but I don't think so.

Monday - Arms & Shoulder workout.  A very good workout in the evening.  I'm feeling stronger with each workout.
Tuesday - 3.8 miles in 44 minutes (11:34) plus walking warm up/down.  I was thinking a lot about the 9/11 attacks and the first responders during this run.  Ran a 3:00/1:00 and felt really good and smooth. 
Wednesday - Friday - Stomach bug 1, ChocolateMe 0.  No workouts. I stayed home from work Wednesday and went on Thursday and Friday still feeling crummy.
Saturday - 12.7 mile bike ride in 1:03.  Very lovely day. I rode over through the park and to the end of town or very nearly so. Then back. 
Sunday - 7.5 miles in 1:30 (12:00) plus walking warm up/down.  Temperature was 65 with steady rain. I wore a hat and long sleeve tech shirt and was comfortable and enjoyed the run. It was 20 minutes zone 2 (run at 2:00/1:00) and then 3 minute zone 3 surges (all 3:00 running harder).  The pace was pretty good for me for a run that long.  I did some good stretching in the evening and am feeling just a little tightness today. 

I mentioned last week being excited because I can now use Nike+ on my new phone.  I've now gone on 3 runs with the phone and all three have stopped recording right around 30 minutes/2+ miles.  I need to send a note to technical support but if this doesn't improve, I will bag Nike+ and just measure mileage on RunKeeper/record on dailymile. 

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