Monday, May 2, 2011

Last Week Running

Last Week's Runs/Walks:
Sunday - 5.2 miles (really 5.5). 1:23. W10, R 1 mile, W5, R1 mile, W40. A good and fun run/walk.
Monday - 74 degrees and humid. 3.01 miles. 43:28. 10 minute walk. R1.5 miles. 15 minute walk.
Monday - 2.91 mile lunch time walk, 47:57.
Wednesday - 3.72 miles. 57:59. W10 R 1.5 miles W5 R.5 miles Walk the rest.
Thursday - 3.81 miles, 56:00. Walking.
Saturday - 3.12 mile stroller walk. 50:58.

My total mileage for the week was >20 miles. I was doing much more back in the half-marathon and 10K training plans. Right now I'm in a bit of a demoralized place about my running. I'm doing this training plan to bring myself up to running with no walk breaks but so far, I'm not running any faster without the walk breaks than I was with the walk breaks. And I'm doing a long walking warm up and down. So my average pace is very slow. In fact, my average pace is only slightly faster on the workouts with some running than on the intentional walking workouts. Ergghh.

I keep telling myself to stick with this program and then do the Chi Running clinic but I've missed the past two and there won't be one in May and I just found out the dates in June and I'll miss the first one. Hopefully I can make the 2nd one in June but that's still 6 weeks away...

As I said... Erggghhh.

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