Monday, October 17, 2011

Weekly Run Training Update

Yuck.  Not a very good running week.  I think I spent part of the time bummed about missing my Sunday race, part of the time having some stomach issues, and part of the time with sick kids.  Both my kids got colds and sore throat which meant missed sleep (more so for ChocolateWife but still...) and much misery. 

Thursday - I finally got out for a run while the kids took naps in the afternoon.  5.44 miles 1:18 (14:20 mm).  The time includes warm up and down (nearly 20 minutes).  It was hotter than I thought and I went from a 3:1 to a 2:1 to a 1:1 ratio. 

Saturday - 9.7 miles 2:01 (12:28 mm). I'm pretty happy with this pace since it includes 5 warm up and 5 warm down.  I ran a 1:1 throughout and had a very nice time.  The weather was gorgeous and I probably saw 40 runners/walkers/bikers on the trail as well as a hot air balloon (not on the trail).  I ran for a few minutes with two women training for the SA R&R HM before they turned north and I continued west.  I also tried the bar that I got for free in my SRJ race packet and it was yummy! 

Sunday - 3.27 mile walk 59 minutes (18.02 mm).  I was having trouble deciding whether to run or walk but since we tore out the carpet in a room and moved all the furniture around I was really sore so I just walked to stretch out and warm up my muscles.  It felt lovely and I picked up a bag of plastic bottles for recycling.  I find that when I pick up trash it makes me less mad about seeing it out there. 

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